Hey! I’m Kevin. If you found this site, you probably know that though 🙂

For a long time, I put off setting up a blog because I felt like I had nothing unique to write about or share. Blogging seemed pretty silly and weird – still does, honestly.

But, about a year ago, I started a “new job” where asynchronous work became much more important. COVID-19 happened and put the transition from my former-office-based-self (still want to go back, BTW – but it’ll never be the same) into overdrive. So, I found myself writing a LOT more as a part of my daily job. Why not do it for fun too? (only half-kidding…)

Over the past year, I realized a few things:

  • I actually enjoy writing, most of the time. Maybe there’s a pattern there…
  • I’m a much better written storyteller than a verbal one. And I’m not a great writer.
  • I was setting the bar WAY too high for myself, and was afraid to “put myself out there.” Don’t be me. Try the things you want to try, life is short.

So here we are! I don’t expect to put a lot on here, and I don’t expect it to be high quality1. Mostly just a place to put the outcomes of my random quests to learn things, primarily sourced from the internet. During my relatively short time on earth, I think I’ve accumulated a fair bit of knowledge and experience (obviously paling in comparison to what I don’t know), so I might try to share some of that too.

Then again, maybe this will be the only post ever, who knows? One thing I do know - without setting this up it was going to be impossible to try.

1A good friend of mine once told me – the key to measuring success is low expectations 😊